
Mobile massage by Sandra Niemiec caters to individuals who have hectic life schedules, and have difficulty booking and keeping appointments. For those who work from home and would enjoy a massage on their lunch break. To stay at home parents who seek flexibility and the convenience of no travel time.

Mobile massage is also geared toward elderly individuals who have difficulty with mobility and are unable to commute for long periods of time. Or simply for any individual who prefers to stay in the comfort of their own home.

Experience in working with athletes, from rotator cuff tears to disc herniations. Being an avid cyclist and weightlifter, I have proficiency in common sports injuries. I will formulate both strengthening and stretching rehabilitation regimen for clients.

Swedish Massage

Soft, long, kneading strokes used to increase blood flow and decrease muscular tension. Massage is performed in a rhythmic manner. Promotes relaxation and stress relief.


Essential oils incorporated into a Swedish massage. Sense such as lavender, eucalyptus and rose oil and infused into the massage oil to help awaken ones senses and produce mood changes.

Deep Tissue

Swedish techniques used with deeper force to help promote relaxation in deeper connective tissue. Ideal for hypertonic muscles and fascial restrictions.

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger points are hyperirritable spots in muscle tissue. Thought of as localized spasms, with their own distinct referral pattern. Treatment is incorporated in with a deep tissue massage. Ideal for chronic headaches and those who work stagnant jobs.

Pre-Natal Massage

Swedish massage performed on expectant mothers. Either in side-lying or semi-recumbent position. Massage helps decrease muscular tension in localized areas and may aid in foot swelling.

Elderly Massage

Swedish massage performed on individuals who have difficulty with mobility, bed ridden or for those who prefer to be treated at home.
Experience in assisting those with medical conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and cancer.


30 min | $85
45 min | $100
60 min | $120
75 min | $145
90 min | $160

Areas Serviced:


No additional travel fees and HST included.

One hour minimum for single individual bookings. Receipts issued for Insurance. No direct billing.